2. Teach you patience on a walk as they stop to savour a smell for….. a l o n g t i m e….. and then a little longer
3. Still pull on the lead but now they pull you back where they used to pull you forward
4. Have trouble with the front end knowing what the back end is doing
5. Can’t see too well either…..but use the sense of smell to get about without knocking into things
6. Are happy with the simple things in life
7. Come upstairs and then can’t remember what they came up for so go downstairs again
8. Prefer the beach to the countyside – it’s so much softer on the paws
9. But still love to get up high and look out over the world – if there’s a handy car park
10. Like bones even after losing most of their teeth
11. Know how to open a birthday present – after 15 years of practice
12. Let things go which in the past would have led to an unpleasantness
13. Were once young
14. Are still learning new tricks
15. Are willing to follow you to the end of the world if it means you can be together