Nativity Scene Live from Navata!

Navata, a town near Figueres, has a Living Nativity Scene tonight

I totally misunderstood the publicity and so we arrived at 7.30 and were almost the only people passing through and had to hurry along as the living statues were getting tired and chilly and wanted a break. I still don’t understand what was the correct time to arrive but in the end gave up trying to get to the bottom of it. Sometimes these problems with TIME happen here and you just have to shrug and walk away.
It was a bit surreal walking through the narrow streets, peering into rooms and trying not to catch the eyes of the statues who were obviously trying to pretend they existed in another dimension. It felt a bit rude to just stare or take a photo but when we tried smiling and saying hello, they would ignore us.
It’s a really pretty village and there were lots of scenes, very interesting in a surreal sort of way.
The sheep were great but there was no donkey in the stable.

Here is our walk through the live but not very lively nativity scenes of Navata.

It was amazing and interesting – but also slightly weird.
There was a Caganer of course but guess what?

He wasn’t a real person!

What a disappointment!