A sensible dog

Blue on the beach today at Caldetes.
She had a little swim then settled down in the shade to sleep. As if she’d been doing it all her life.

Bonnie on the other hand……… chased things into the water, dug holes all around our spot on the sand, barked at anyone who smiled at her when passing (well they were all completely naked and she was shocked) and got so hot and bothered than no amount of water would quench her thirst.
Duna had her own umbrella and as usual sat quietly except when she dragged the whole thing behind her in an attempt to get at Bonnie.
I swam
Pep had a dip.
We had lunch in the beach cafe and at last all three dogs were quiet and orderly as they waited for sardine heads to descend from the table.
The waitress warned us that if the police came they would give an instant fine of 100 euros per dog. We’ve never had a problem in the past and noone seems to mind their presence.
But perhaps taking 3 is pushing our luck.