The Garden of Eden

Today was a lovely dreamy relaxing sunny easy day at Sant Nicolau

Bonnie and I went down to do some meditation at Blue’s resting place

I had noticed there were daisies but suddenly I SAW them – hundreds and thousands of daisies and it reminded me of being a child and making daisy chains

How many actual daisy chains have I made in my life?  Perhaps no more than 10 or so.
I decided to make one to leave for Blue

Then Bonnie for the first time went to actually lie on top of Blue’s grave

I am sure she remembers this is where we buried her old friend

It was very special down there today

Later I went into Figueres with Helen and we looked around the shops, searching for a suitable dress for me to wear to my niece’s wedding next weekend. All the other times I have been there I’ve found the town to be a bit sharp edged and unfriendly but today it was open-hearted and warm. There were musicians playing jazz in the centre and in one shop a woman was holding a small baby. “He’s my new grandson” she said  “Three months old”  I went over to admire him and he beamed at me. Usually I am the sort of person who babies turn away from or they start to cry when I speak to them. But this baby in Figueres seemed to like me and what a nice feeling that is!

Every single shopkeeper switched to speaking in Spanish with me even after I had greeted them in Catalan.  I carried on short conversations just to show it was unnecessary to change but it seemed they didn’t notice and doggedly carried on in Spanish. I know they are trying to be friendly but somehow along the way they have stopped listening and are only seeing what I look like – a guiri.

But I found the perfect dress and when I have the shoes to go with it – I’ll show you a photo.

There is still snow on Canigo and when you sit in the shade you can feel the chill of it in the breeze.
Bonnie is almost totally better now and when I got back from town she was overwhelmingly pleased to see me and what a nice feeling that is too!

Thanks for visiting me here – I hope you also had a sunny dreamy relaxing and easy day.

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3 thoughts on “The Garden of Eden

  1. Glad Bonnie is recovering and that you are having such a lovely day! Ours was a little wilder, but involved a great lunch and a walk at the beach and in the mountain. Never bad.

  2. Such a beautiful thing, to leave Blue a daisy chain. And Bonnie is so beautiful, lovely pictures. (Glad to hear she’s better!)

    I understand you with the Spanish-speaking when you try in Catalan. In touristic areas here on the islands I have had people in shops or market stalls automatically talk to me in English although I start in Spanish, even mostly continue in Spanish. It’s like they don’t even register it, but only see a fair skinned blond guiri.

    It’s a bit strange, because if I didn’t know Spanish, or were traveling somewhere I didn’t know the language I would be very happy and relieved that they spoke a language I knew but since I know Spanish I don’t like it?!

    I am glad you were treated well anyhow and found the perfect dress!

  3. Lovely lovely post. I have a photo somewhere with a very small Emma wearing a daisy chain. Childhood memories are like little warm smiles (the good ones anyway!)

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