Spam Spam Spam

I am going to do something that I absolutely hate and detest and I am so sorry – please forgive me!
I have suddenly been getting a lot of spam on the blog and so for ONE WEEK ONLY I will put a  ‘collons quina merrrrrrda‘ word identification on the comment box.

February 15th or even before – it will be removed, I promise. And if spam continues I will just deal with it myself. Just want to see if I can stop it by blocking it. 

Meanwhile here is Bonnie – having a lovely time in the Empordà.

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3 thoughts on “Spam Spam Spam

  1. Hi there you two thanks and sorry again. Yes the spam now is horrific – I still get it collected in the Blogger folder but more are slipping through. I think am have become a target so perhap a week of blocking will stop it. Otherwise though I will just continue to do it myself. I really don’t like those WI as they are so people unfriendly. Will let you know. Kx

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