I wasn’t meaning to tempt fate yesterday by describing how much better I am feeling!
But somehow somewhere that same day I lost my keys – again!
That feeling when you have lost something is so particular.
The search
over and over again checking bags and pockets
The review
mentally and sometimes physically retracing the last hours
The prayers
to Saint Anthony of course and usually he helps, but sometimes he can’t
Repetitive searching
because you still can’t believe that the thing is gone
especially about keys. Did I leave them in the front door and the ‘wrong’ person walked past, took them and is waiting to break in and rob and murder us?
More desperate searching
that involves silly places like bathroom cupboards and dustbins and under the dog food
as you remember times when you found the lost thing, perhaps even in one of those weird places
Oh well, eventually there comes acceptance and I now have a newly cut key around my neck tied with a ribbon. When I open the door I have to bend down to reach the lock and if Bonnie tried to push quickly through the door I am liable to be strangled. But at least I can’t leave this one in the lock unless I also leave my head outside!
From yesterday
Here is a scene from Granollers main street, lovely music as I walked back from the gym (could I have dropped the keys into his hat??)
Just the thought of you dropping your keys in his hat makes me laugh! And I am always doing the repetitive searching. I bought a beautiful crystal this week only to not find it in my bag when I got home. I searched everywhere at least ten times and called the store twice to see if they had found it loose. *sigh*
It is astonishing when things simply and completely disappear, we had a pair of keys go missing this fall, Youngest is indignantly denying that it was her, though kids do tend to get the blame!
Occasionally they do turn up again, sometimes years later and in totally weird places……
Try not to get decapitated!!!
Alex lost his good winter coat and I have been doing exactly the same things – looking again and AGAIN under all the coats; under the beds; in the boot of the car AGAIN!! Tomorrow we will accept and go and buy a new one before the snows come back. x Thank you I loved the music too.