I saw this van in Port de la Selva – I’d like my builder to be called Jesus!
Happy Christmas everyone! I hope you have a day full of smiles and laughter and good memories as well as the inevitable sad ones that arise at this time of year. I am happy to be at Sant Nicolau, sharing Christmas for the first time with my little family – Pep and the Resident Adolescent and Bonnie!
Bon Nadal! And a constructive and reformed New Year to you all!
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Bon Nadal a vosaltres també!
Bon Nadal a tots! Que Jesus sigui el nom del constructor i reformista, passi, però aquest potser s’emportarà la collita i només deixarà el rostoll! (rastrojo en castellà) Compte amb les constructores i inmobiliaries… crisis? Quina crisis?
Nadelek Lowen from Cornwall Kate – enjoy, S,J &M xxx