Do you think the sign of great art is that it lingers on in your imagination after you have seen or heard it? The book that stays with you, the painting that sometimes flashes into your mind, the music that haunts you.
Today I found myself thinking about last nights performance. Actually even in the middle of the night as I fumbled my way in the dark to the toilet, I remembered some movements of the dance and my own body started to move in a different way. Walking Bonnie to the park, suddenly my hips started to swing and my feet to place themselves more carefully on the pavement.
I haven’t been dancing so much recently but watching Cesc Gelabert last night made me want to get started again.
Here is another short video I found – it’s a mixture of dancing and talking. He is speaking in Spanish but you can put on the subtitles and anyway, his face is so expressive and kind that it is a pleasure to watch even if you don’t understand the actual words. I find his dance mesmerising.
Last night after the performance he talked a little in a questions and answers session. It was all in Catalan so perhaps I missed about half of the content but one thing he said that was very interesting was about the tension – creative tension perhaps – between people of the north and the south. Protestantism and Catholicism. Perhaps the head and the heart. Not that one group is only head or only heart but that there are different balances and norms.
There was so much that was stimulating.
The first performance I’ve seen in a long time that has touched me in this way.
Hello Mrs. Granollers
I am a Professor of Biology Brazilian. I hope you can visit the blog See Life with images and texts about nature that asks for help.
Thank you.
seems a pretty good def’n of art to me hon.
m’agrada que t’agradi en Cesc Gelabert, així tu també m’agrades més!! Quan vaig veure per primera vegada en Cesc, als anys 80, vaig voler aprendre amb ell i em vaig apuntar a les seves classes a La Fàbrica (Gràcia-Bcn). recordo un dia que estàvem estudiant l’articulació pèlvis-fèmur, en Cesc havia portat uns dibuixos i ens explicava el seu funcionament, després vam fer uns exercicis al terra per a sentir-ho en funcionament i finalment vam aplicar-ho a ballar una coreografia amb la música de Blade Runner. Les seves classes eren completes i molt interessants. L’altre dia va dir que per ell la dansa és el retrobament de les emocions i la ment mitjançant el cos. Jo sempre he trobat en el seu moviment inspiració espiritual també. És un ballarí màgic.