Communication Problems

Is Mercury retrograde or something?
I was listening to the Spanish station Radio 3 yesterday while dozing on the sofa after lunch. Then it stopped. It sometimes does that – something to do with streaming – so I didn´t worry. But later I noticed the internet wasn´t working at all. Nor was the phone.
Today after several long phone calls with Orange we are still without either.
So all my good intentions of phoning people, emailling people, and writing regular blog posts once more, have gone out the window.
Now I am in the local locutorio on C/Girona and battling with all the usual problems of memory and faulty keyboards – what are all my passwords? how do you make this sign @ on a spanish keyboard? and why do these internet cafes always have a pause before the letter appears on the screen so that you press it hard, more than once, and after 5 seconds or so, it apppppppppears like that?

Will get back to normal soon I promise. But meanwhile I can´t do more – this computer is driving me crazy.
But I should add that today we had a wonderful swim in the sea at last. At Tossa del Mar. With dear friends from Canada and a very happy dog.

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One thought on “Communication Problems

  1. I swam at Tossa del Mar when I was about 12, on holiday with the family. I really liked the place. I also remember going horse-riding somewhere a little inland and how exciting and slightly scary it was dashing through the trees in the heat with a load of adults and no riding hat!

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