What’s this? Cloudy skies. Wet pavements. Umbrellas.
At last the promised storm has come and I cycled home from the town centre rejoicing in the soft cool drops of water soaking my summer dress and my face and hair.
Of course everyone seemed to magically pull umbrellas from their bags – always prepared!
Bonnie and I walked earlier under grey skies. For the first time in weeks we were not too hot.
When the rain comes after a long hot spell, there is a strange smell in the air. I think it is the heat stored in the earth sizzling as the raindrops make contact. It is strong and like wet washing in a hot dryer.
I am very aware of the UK wanting sunshine and so it seems slightly impolite to be writing happily about rain and clouds and wind. But everything in moderation I suppose. Sunshine and heat is wonderful when it is broken occasionally by cloud and showers. And rain, wind and grey skies are awful when they go on interminably but without them we would burn to cinders.
What would be the perfect balance for me? Sunshine 80% and Rain 20%? Mmmmm. Perhaps that is too much rain. What do you think?
Hola, I agree with the proportions 80%/20%, but in the same day and every day. Would not be perfect to have a sunny day and a little rain in the evening to have a fresh night!!??
Això és el que passa al Pirineu a l’estiu!
Salut! Pepsi