Hot Evenings

One of the major differences between the UK and Catalunya is the number of people on the street in the evening. Not just shopping or walking but just hanging out. Like in the square near our house, Apel-les Mestres. Children playing, friends chatting, dogs sniffing around, old people sitting with their carers, people drinking in the cafes.

As the festival of Saint Joan is approaching there is also the constant threat of bangers going off to make you jump.  This picture was taken at 8.30pm and it was very noisy out there.
At this time of year there is a tree which smells incredible – sweet and heady. It’s called the Tila – I am still trying to decide if this is a lime blossom or a linden blossom

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4 thoughts on “Hot Evenings

  1. I wonder what it is that makes places like Catalunya different from place like the US and the UK. I live in the US, which for the most part is very much a “to work and back home” sort of culture. Perhaps it has to do with suburbian lifestyle. Spain still seems to have maintained its city-rural division unlike the US with its urban sprawl.

  2. I wonder what it is that makes places like Catalunya different from place like the US and the UK. I live in the US, which for the most part is very much a “to work and back home” sort of culture. Perhaps it has to do with suburbian lifestyle. Spain still seems to have maintained its city-rural division unlike the US with its urban sprawl.

  3. Hi Kate – can’t say that I recognize your blossoms but we, too, take to the streets in the heat. We are having a bit of a heat wave with extreme humidity. And although many people complain, I love it, hotflashes on top of it and all. I slip, slide around on the chairs I sit on and just laugh about it because the alternative is…Canadian winters! I love being barefoot and sleeveless, opening the windows and turning on the fans. I revel in this weather!

  4. Hola, l’arbre olorós, molt abundant a Granollers, estic quasi segur que és un Til·ler ornamental (Tilia Tomentosa), molt usat en parcs i jardins del suc d’Europa i Àsia menor. La infusió de til·la, té la virtutde ser sedant i digestiva. Serà que el planten per la seva olor tan agradable o per calmar els nervis dels ciutadans i ajudar-nos a digerir la crisi financera?

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