If I keep a green bough in my heart then the singing bird will come

Sometimes I long for green.
One of the walks near here with grass and trees is at Mil Pins.
You have to drive there but it’s only 5 minutes away.

It’s like a park on the edge of the countryside.
Pep remembers camping there with his family when he was young

There are now lots of houses on one side and it’s easy to park right by the entrance

That may sound like a boring fact but believe me in Granollers it is a miracle

The dogs met some new friends.
I love the shape of the black one – the women sitting at the fountain said it was a podenco ibicenco which is a breed from Ibiza. But I can’t see any that are black. I had to stop reading because of the many sites describing how many are found in animal shelters after bad treatment.  This one at least was happy and playful and had a wonderful open space to exercise her grace and agility and intelligence.

All was peaceful barring a few growls and snaps

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4 thoughts on “If I keep a green bough in my heart then the singing bird will come

  1. No és una crítica (!) però Eivissa, que forma part dels Països Catalans i per tant el seu nom oficial és Eivissa i no “Ibiza”, que és en castellà… Love XXXX

  2. Looks like a great place for Duna to get her groove on and her ya-yas out which hopefully, would mean less stress on Blue. I think I remember what green looks like. There may even be a bit of green poking up in my garden. I’ll go have a look and see.

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