I’ve been fascinated for a long time by those little kiosks that look like Dr Who’s Tardis and that are all around Spain with the word ONCE written on top.
ONCE (Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles ) is a large organisation which started in 1938 selling lottery tickets to raise money to provide services for blind people.  The people who work in the Kiosks are also usually blind or partially sighted.  The tickets are called Cupóns and are drawn daily for tax-free money prizes

There is one in our plaça Verdaguer and I pass it several times a day as I take the dogs to and fro. The woman who works there can’t get too bored as she always has visitors outside, chatting to her and smoking and watching the world go by.  She goes across the road to Manu cafe for lunch and sits with several friends talking and laughing at the top of her voice.  When it was very cold here I worried she would be freezing but was told they have heating and everything. 
Sometimes in the middle of the night I’ve caught the little van that comes round with two men who wash and polish the whole thing inside and out.

Sometimes you see people selling the tickets without the shelter of the little kiosk.
I’m working up the courage one day to go and buy a ticket. Why do these things seem so daunting?

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One thought on “ONCE

  1. Lordy, though the lottery tickets ARE so complicated though! We won a couple of hundred Euros, or 150 or something this year and it took us three tries to get to the right place with the tickets! So confusing. I got just as confused in TO, the one and only time I bought a ticket.

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