Antoni Tapies in Barcelona

I went up to Barcelona, got off at Passeig de Gracia as usual and five minutes later was in the Fundacio Antoni Tapies. There was a steady stream of people arriving but no queues and it wasn’t so full that you felt squashed in. The spaces are large and airy and the pictures arranged with plenty of room to stand and stare. There was an atmosphere of quiet contemplation, respect and sadness – or at least I felt sad. There is something powerful about visiting the gallery of a great artist only a day after he has died. A feeling of both presence and absence.

I stood for a few moments waiting to sign the book of condolence – not sure what made me want to do this but I wanted to make some mark

I find Tapies art inspiring – like so much abstract art it helps me contact something that is both human and other worldly. Like cave art – messages from the unconscious

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2 thoughts on “Antoni Tapies in Barcelona

  1. Es una gran perdua per la ciutat per Catalunya.
    Son d’aquells artistes que tan si t’agrada el seu art com si no, sempre estan present en fer país.
    I ha sigut un exemple

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