I went to the gym! At last!
I have been planning to go ever since arriving in Cornwall and today finally made it there for the first time. Then I went for a swim in the pool.
I thought I needed to relax a bit as this intense time here draws to a close and I need to find a way to sleep for more than 5 hours a night.
We’ll see how it worked tomorrow.
I forgot to take my ipod so was left with my thoughts as I ran and cycled and cross-trained. Mostly my brain was leaping around from one subject to the next without pausing to breath. But what I love about training is the way it sends waves of energy throughout your being which sometimes result in problem solving or interesting ideas.
I realised that on Christmas day I don’t have to leave the dogs alone in a strange house only one week after arriving in Catalunya. We will go to eat with the family and it means a minimum of two but more likely three hours away. Suddenly on the running machine I realised I can take them along in my van and go out to check on them every hour. They will be happy sleeping in the familiar smells of my camper and I can relax eating dinner.
Then……in the swimming pool…….
I was thinking about 11.11 again and how since that date I have been noticing these numbers more and more. In the van the milometer was on 1111xx for all the period around the 11th November 2011. The clock is often just clicking onto 11.11 when I look at it. And when I was running I decided to check my heart rate and it was 111. It stayed there exactly on that number for a few minutes.
I grabbed the only empty locker by my cubicle by the pool and when I looked at the key it was 222. I know that is stretching it a bit but it was still interesting.
Anyway, by now you must be thinking I am crazy but when I was swimming I thought about how strange it is when predictions come true. It reminded me of the concept of ‘proof of existence’ which I think means just that something proves to you that there is more to life than meets the eye. I think my mother first told me about ‘proof of existence’ as she had an uncle who was a spiritualist and who was always seeking out proof that there is more to life than what we see on the surface. If you go to see a medium they don’t need to tell you something new – it is more important that they tell you something you know to be true but you can’t find an explanation for how THEY know it. This gives you proof of existence.
Anyway, in a long roundabout way this led me to thinking about two predictions I’ve had about my life. The first was that I would live in a foreign country ……..and the second was that the second half of my life would be happier than the first.
So, for me this is proof of something and even if it is just that if you believe something then it will be more likely to happen, then, let’s believe in miracles!
Does anyone else notice 11.11 or have you had predictions that came true?
Somebody said me I will found my love, and it was true!
La màgia de l’11, és que són dos uns que són un. La parella perfecte!!