Hanging out Washing in Public?

This week was very busy and although I took photos and thought about things to write about here it seemed impossible to find time to actually do it.   And recently I have been having a battle with myself about the blog – what is the point of it?  who reads it?  is it just a self indulgence? 
One of the busy – and nice  – things this week was that two friends arrived from England and spent five days here in Granollers. Or, to be more honest they stayed in Granollers but spent a lot of time in Barcelona.  We were working in the summer school so this was a good arrangement but it did make me realise that when I think a visitor is coming here to my home town, in fact many times they are imagining a holiday in Barcelona!  It’s better to know this before you get disappointed.
I went up to town with them one day.  We walked through the old streets around Princessa, looking for shade and finding places I have never noticed before like this old convent which is now a civic centre

After seeing Santa Maria del Mar where I had a sleep in one of the pews, we had lunch in tiny Bodega Palma for the menu price of 7.50 – very good in this area! Then I wanted to find the place where you can have your feet massaged by little fish nibbling your toes in a tank. Two friends gave me a voucher for my birthday and it seemed like the sort of thing you don’t do alone – more fun with a couple of companions in tow. But the streets were hot and narrow and we wandered for what seemed like hours

 I felt responsible for my friends who were looking for some expert guidance and I realised that when I go to Barcelona I tend to follow my nose rather than a set plan. This is fine for me but doesn’t work when you have others trudging behind you. So Carrer Correu Vell…..see you next visit!
We then went and walked up the Ramblas in the full heat of the sun which is not my idea of a good time in any language.
However I did get a photo of the Miro mosaic

We also managed to buy two pairs of cotton gloves in this lovely shop of sheets and towels

 You can see from the door that it is not Catalan – the sign says Cerrado and not Tancat.

One of my friends said how great it was to see some of the places that are now in my life. I asked her if she had not ever seen this blog – that there are lots of photos of Granollers and my favourite parts of Barcelona.  She said that no she doesn’t like blogs and the internet and facebook and all that speaking with strangers and talking about your private life in public. It was interesting as she is very much a book person, which surely is also a way of communicating with many other people,  but somehow the internet brings out a different response.  What I find liberating and exciting for her is deeply suspicious.
If you are reading this then perhaps you are more like me but if you know what she meant then do let me know…..what is it about blogs that makes some people feel so wary?

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7 thoughts on “Hanging out Washing in Public?

  1. Blogs are a different format, more like essays many of them. It must be super super hot there…..paf. Nice seeing people though, isn’t it.

  2. I don’t know, Kate because with all the millions of blogs around, it’s perfectly possible that one could write and publish every day and no-one gets to read it unless the URL is made known to friends and family. I can understand your friend’s Facebook and Twitter reluctance. I’ve been told it can take over your life. I’ve joined Facebook at the insistence of family, but rarely use it. Your friend doesn’t know what she’s missing: there are some great blogs by prolific readers.

    A blog doesn’t have to get personal unless a person wants it. Just look at the number of gardening blogs where it’s only about trees, shrubs, flowers etc.

    And, yes, who are they for?! I see you’re asking yourself that question and I’ve done so many times. When I first started I used to post on others’ blogs and the avalanche of responses and visits was overwhelming and I felt invaded. Now only about 3 or 4 people comment, although there is a steady trickle of “lurkers”. I only post now when the mood takes me and I have something a bit different to write. I’ve gone back to journal writing, so my Everything and Nothing blog is almost moribund.

    Sorry to go on like this…I’m rambling aren’t I. Should have got on my Everything and Nothing blog, eh!

  3. Hi Oreneta – yes it is hot – a xafogor today!!!
    LadyLuz – you didn’t ramble at all – that is what i want – feedback and thoughts. I think I was taken aback by her vehemence – as if Facebook is the same as Blogs. As if all Blogs are the same. Of course it could be a place to just drivel on about what you’re doing and thinking but I do try to keep a balance between the personal and the thoughtful. what I love about reading others blogs is the insight into someone elses process – maybe it is gardens or art or travel or knitting. I want some new information but also a sense of the person writing. I have about 6 or 7 that I read and I look forward to seeing what is going on. I often find it inspiring and comforting and also funny and stimulating. But I also know there are people – perhaps of a certain age – who don’t really want to enter this new world and that must be respected although I don’t understand it. Not that I think it is anything to do with age – my mother learnt to use a computer in her 70’s and I am sure if she were alive today she would be blogging herself! K xx

  4. I do know what you mean, I guess all bloggers unless they are supreme egotists sometimes wonder why they bother. But we are communicating animals, it’s part of being human. You don’t have to reveal any more of yourself than you want to, but other people’s lives and thoughts are endlessly fascinating. So carry on blogging is my view and carry on reading blogs, the world is smaller than you think.

  5. Thanks Liz – I agree that it is about communication and it’s a more people friendly form than having to write a book and find a publisher etc. Of course that means there are blogs and there are BLOGS….some not worth reading but some like jewels in your path. I like how accessible it is. And me too – I find other people endlessly fascinating and could probably spend far too long reading blogs if I allowed myself. K x

  6. I would love to go shopping in that store with sheets and towels (I am a closet cotton whore). Hmmm, to air or not to air, that is the question. I find blogging to be an enormous creative release. There are those who would like to keep their creativity and thoughts closer to home though. But being read by others on a blog is harder than it sounds. I often wonder if anyone is reading what I write. I have only had one or two weird comments (not counting the spam) in my history of writing these last (3?) years and quickly got over any nastiness directed at me (my space, my opinions, if you don’t like them, move on – is what I like to say).

  7. Hi everyone,
    I used to teach couses on auto/biography.When blogs began there were many essays and presentations on them by my students that saw them as the way of the future.
    To my mind, it is the way of the 21st century. Thank you Kate, for leading the way. Perhaps we should all think about blogging.
    But I know, I( couldn’t be as creative as you, Kate, with photos, and great descriptions.Or – should we all blog? Many of us will be rather boring, unlike Kate, who is absolutely fabulous!!! Pearl x

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