Virtual Vermut

Phew it’s a relief to sit down at last with a glass of vermut and time to chat.
If you have time to join me that would be great and I can tell you about my day while we watch the town begin to wake up again after the lunch time break. It doesn’t take long to get used to this rhythm of life – a late lunch followed by a migdiada if possible

So what’s new?
We went today to look at a house for sale. It is too expensive and didn’t look promising from the photos but you have to start somewhere and it’s always good to look around. I like visiting houses and dreaming about possible lives in them. It was much better than I expected with a little walled garden, three floors of light rooms and views over Granollers to the Torre de Pinos on the other side. Unfortunately the large soap factory is also plonked directly in front so right from the first moment it was obviously not the home of our dreams.
News from the gym?
Yes I went today and it was very good. Twenty minutes running. I haven’t done that for years. I don’t bother with the ipod since I realized I like the music on Flash FM which is the same station the boy listens to at home.  Two days ago I had my first conversation with someone at the gym when he apologised for coming into the ladies changing room. I replied that I do acupuncture so I am accustomed to peoples bodies and anyway I never get changed or shower in there. This seems to have changed something for me at the gym as today I was greeted in English by another of the men and everyone said Hola and Adéu!
That reminds me of something I wanted to tell you – it is interesting here that when you meet someone you know in the street they say Adéu as they pass.  So they are saying goodbye!  It took me several months to stop saying Hola and start saying Adéu and even now it feels weird but I can do it.
“Hello hello! I don’t know why you say goodbye I say Hello”   Apparently if you say Hola it means you want to stop and have a conversation. Adéu shows that it is no more than a passing greeting and you don’t have time to stop

I went to the market on Thursday and bought these white trousers. I am fairly oblivious to current fashions but even I noticed that Zara is full of white stuff and all the young people in the street are wearing white and black clothes. So I took the risk of buying something from a stall even without trying it on and they are great – a little see-through but who cares about that?
I wore them today with a pair of the white shoes that the Tieta gave me and felt much more a city girl than my normal country bumpkin.
And look at the beautiful bracelet – it was made by one of my nieces Alisoun who is raising money for a project working with traumatised children in Rwanda. She decided to send one to all the women in our family and I’ve been wearing it all week, amazing at the brightness of the colours when it is touched by the sunshine.

So, it’s getting chilly again and too cold to sit outside for long. This April the UK seems to be getting all the sunshine while we have the showers which is only fair and I’m glad to think of my dogs running and playing in the warmth.
Hope to see you next week for another Virtual Vermut and if you would like to write one yourself let me know and I’ll send people on to your table!
Oh! I didn’t get to tell you about the football….oh well another time and perhaps…is it possible…you are quite glad to escape?

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6 thoughts on “Virtual Vermut

  1. I think that vermut went straight to my head. I agree that when you are looking to buy something, you have to also know what NOT to buy. It is fun fantasizing about houses and the lives we could have in them. Right now I am fantasizing about cities as my current one is definitely in my mental “out” basket. I do swoon when I see your spotted dog, I was remembering mine today whilst grocery shopping (not sure why then) so it’s nice to come home and see some dog freckles. I will say Adeu for now.

  2. Spotty dogs rule! I love her freckles and those velvet ears. I can understand that feeling of being somewhere – like in the supermarket – and suddenly something reminds you and it goes Poom! in your heart.
    Hope you have sunshine this weekend – I can imagine all that cold gets TOO MUCH at times. That’s partly why I cam here. K x

  3. Oh yes, the velvet ears!!! They do seem to go hand in hand with freckly dogs. And who said drinking in the middle of the day was…er…untimely?! Thanks for sharing your time and your thoughts with moi across the miles.

  4. Not glad to escape at all….the pants look great and 20 min running! MOST impressive. Wish I was there…though I did fine today, it was a lot of downhill, not sure that counts the same way.

    Glad the house looked OK, there’s one out there calling your name.

  5. I didn’t realise that about Hola and Adeu. Usually we say Hola, bon dia, because that’s what a lot of folk say, so maybe it’s a regional difference.

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