It takes 12 hours door to door. Lamorna to Granollers by car and train and plane and bus and train. I think that’s an incredibly short time to move between two different worlds.
Back to heating not working, wifi not connecting, same old stuff with resident adolescent although we are trying to keep positive and hopeful. Cloudy sky and a chill in the air.
I have a month of Catalan to study in one day before tomorrows class.
It’s one of those days when I need to count my blessings in order to stop my mood sinking.
- lovely walk with Tiffany and Duna catching up on news
- daffodils blooming on the terrace
- hyacinths smelling wonderful and in their prime in spite of a month of neglect
- Roca Umbert cafe has a cafe with wifi, friendly staff and nice music
- my Catalan teacher sent an email about a choir which will practise singing Joan Maragall poems over the next months and do a performance in July. The message begins Qui canta els seus mals espanta which roughly translates as Those who sing scare away their fears. A good thought for today and it reminds me that singing and music can sometimes help when all else fails.
What songs do you sing when you want to lift your spirits?
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Singing? Depends on the moment, but I am thinking that maybe we should, all three of us if Tiffany is up for it, meet up in BCN…What do you think?
Great idea – would love to meet you. I am flexible with times so can fit in with both of you. you can contact me on K x