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5 thoughts on “Duna asleep

  1. Wow – I’m amazed this worked. I still can’t do it by SMS or whatever it’s called. I tried and of course got the ‘can’t be done with your phone – ha ha!’ message. But sending an email from my phone worked and here she is! Now I need to find out how to make the photo smaller as it took ages to load. And how to get rid of that horrible Samsung thing at the bottom. I’m too old for this!!! Kx

  2. OK, this photo got me from the first freckle. What kind of dog is that? I had an English Setter for 15 years, I lost her last June (after 15 years, 3 months and 8 days, but who’s counting?) and she was freckly (but a rust color with white) – the most amazing, amazing dog, calm, loving, gentle, such a lovely soul and I still miss her terribly. Looking at the muzzle of your dog brings me back, the leathery jowls, oh how I loved to pull them back and snuggle up to her. *sigh* How we love our dogs, huh? Truly a member of the family.

  3. thanks Bodhi – so it works then, letting the dogs bring the oooh factor!
    she’s a Springer Spaniel – age 2 – and I love the freckles too. My own dog Blue has lovely spots on muzzle and paws. she’ll be here too when I get to Cornwall and can take some photos. Sorry about your setter – it’s such a loss after all those years and the special closeness that dogs bring. Only doggie – or cat – people can really understand this I think. Here of course they are not always part of the family – I have a collie I visit on my walks who is tied up to a tree most of the day but he’s still friendly and patient. Kx

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