The Mystery of the Candle Shop

A few doors down from here there is a shop selling candles called Cereria Fátima. I pass it several times every day and when it is open it is always full of people. Sometimes they are queuing out onto the street.

Funny!  Granollers doesn’t seem that sort of town. Not like Totnes or Glastonbury, it’s hard to believe that it is full of people who want to buy crystals and prayer bells and little glass fairies.

For months it was a mystery to me until I mentioned it to a friend and she told me that Fatima is a kind of spiritual advisor. You buy a candle, take it home with detailed instructions about how to burn it and conserve the resulting wax. The next day you come back with the wax and Fatima interprets it and answers your questions.
I haven’t tried it yet.
That will be Part Two!
What I like is how open and relaxed everyone is about being seen in the shop, having their neighbours listen to their problems and the answers that Fatima gives.  It’s a social experience.
I will have to think of a question (or chose one of the many there are) and take an interpreter along so I understand the answer.

We will return to the Candle Shop some time in the future…….

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3 thoughts on “The Mystery of the Candle Shop

  1. Dear Kate A belated feliz nuevo ano. It’s been good to catch up with you and your Catalan experiences. And I rejoice with you for your first year here.

    I am off to Pz. at the end of the month and I will stand in The Granary up Causeway Head and think of you.

  2. Hi Kate,
    It is fun to join you on your Catalan life off and on. your photos and posts let me visit without leaving home.

    Blessings for 2011
    PS Though it was a long time ago I will always remember visiting you in London and having a great acupuncture treatment.

  3. Have a lovely time LadyLuz – I hear the sun is shining in Lamorna.
    Hi Sharry – great to hear from you. Thanks for leaving me a note – that is exactly what I want – it’s good to have company on the journey.
    I need to start doing some more acupuncture here – hoping to get a room ready in the house so I can set up practice again soon.
    love Kate x

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