Light and Shade

Now summer is here and after months of moaning about the cold I can hardly complain that now it is HOT. Today only 27 degrees but yesterday it was about 33. It is temping to stay inside until the evening ( or the afternoon as it is called here meaning sometime after 4pm until the sun goes down around 8pm) but if I have to go out I find myself seeking the shady side of the street. Across the road from our house is a little square named after Verdaguer a famous 19th C Catalan poet. When I arrived here it was being remodelled but once the barriers were removed there remained the original fountain and circle of trees which provide welcome shade in the summer sunshine. There is almost always someone sitting there reading or chatting or just relaxing. I go there every day with Duna as there are also very convenient little flowerbeds filled only with wood bark which make perfect toilets!In the square there is also a little general supermarket which has the added benefit of making me laugh because it’s name makes a promise which it doesn’t always fulfil. And today at 2pm as so often, I was too late to buy anything. Coming home takes about two minutes but I am very aware of the difference between the sunny and the shady side of the street. Today not much difference between the two but at least on one side it is possible to hop from one black patch to another without too much boiling in between Thank goodness for trees and shadows and shade.

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